We are growing nationally, internationally and across the full breadth of our product range. We transparently differentiate ourselves from potential competitors in our basic formulations in the premium segment with an all-natural manufacturing concept. Our products create trust through quality and we can confidently say that we not only contribute essential added value to a sustainable world, but through the natural mode of action of our culture complexes (MikroVeda microorganisms) we can offer customers targeted solutions depending on the area of application. Support us in carrying our idea further! Become a partner and benefit from the unique repeat customer potential that comes from our active multi-bioculture preparations. Highly diverse is our repertoire of valuable multi-bioculures that we maintain in our respective solutions. Possible cooperations with commercial partners can be manifold. We have listed some specific examples of typical partnerships with us. You are already active as a commercial trader of ecological products? Then qualify now to become a sales representative. On the basis of a fair agreement we regulate the future partnership with you. Upon agreement, we can provide you with free marketing materials, subsidies for advertising costs or jointly organized actions in favor of the transfer of knowledge about the application of microorganisms microorganisms in the respective mileus including their natural mode of action. Our ecological solutions are already available in many countries and we want to grow even further. You want to apply as a distributor for a specific country where we are not yet active? Then feel free to contact us. If you can identify with our products and philosophy, run a suitable website, blog or similar, you can inform other people about our exciting product range as an affiliate. We have in our product range a line specifically for the agricultural sector, which includes all the essential ecological solutions based on MikroVeda microorganisms for the benefit of soil, stable hygiene, animal nutrition and care, as well as the valorization of organic fertilizers. “Natural and sustainable farming" is in vogue. This applies to organic farming anyway, but especially in the conventional sector, which is desperately seeking alternative approaches. Apply specifically for regions (international), which you can develop systemically and professionally with our support as a qualified freelance agricultural consultant and/or continue to manage and maintain from within the portfolio. Benefit from the high potential that MikroVeda enjoys in the agribusiness sector. Intensive coaching, very good sales opportunities and an attractive customer service fee reward your independent work within the product portfolio. Upon request, we will take over the delivery to the customer, if you do not have any storage capacity. We are looking for experts with relevant industry knowledge and interest in working sustainable solution approaches in the agricultural sector. You communicate with persuasive power to customers in a goal and service-oriented manner. We offer solutions for many commercial sectors outside the agricultural sector in our product range. You identify with our idea and are interested in working with us on a commercial agency basis. Relevant knowledge of the industry you are targeting is required. Talk to us and we’ll have an open exchange with you. For many years, numerous business customers from a wide range of industries have benefited from our know-how via contract manufacturing. For example, we have been producing ferment-active and probiotic microorganism preparations for business customers in the field of human and animal health, hygiene as well as household and agricultural as well as aqua industry for many years. Retailers also differentiate themselves from competitors in the dynamic but always competitive retail market with our bio crops as part of a private label program. Benefit from MikroVeda’s technological knowledge, which is reflected in the balance of our natural approach and the effectiveness of our final products. Do you use certain refinement techniques in your business, would you like to specifically incorporate probiotic-ferment-active microorganisms in the production process or create a unique benefit for the customer with fermentation products including valuable multi-biocultures in order to differentiate yourself from the competition with the help of MikroVeda microorganisms? Contact us, we offer a whole range of individual fermentation products in high quality. There are already numerous industries that carry our microorganism preparations and products in their product range. No matter which country or which business sector: If our concept and our products suit you, contact us.
MikroVeda SKIN FOOD – Gute Bakterien für die Haut Natürlich schöne, gesunde Haut, wenn du diese 5 einfachen Tipps einhältst!… Unsere Kur-Pakete im Überblick: Welche Kur eignet sich am besten für dich persönlich? Finde es heraus! Mit welchem Profil kannst… Angst vor Bakterien? Wusstest du, dass alles was uns umgibt von Bakterien besiedelt ist? Selbst die Luft, die wir atmen,… Es gibt eine ganze Vielzahl an guten Gründen, die für eine natürliche Unterstützung des Bodenlebens als Grundlage für die Pflanzengesundheit… Darmcoach Marco Privitera über Darmprobleme, gute Bakterien und Gesundheit: “In den letzten Jahren kommen Themen wie gesunde Bakterien und Darmgesundheit… Die ersten Frühlingssonnenstrahlen und es zieht uns Gartenfreunde hinaus ins Grüne. Da bisher noch nicht wirklich viel Grün zu sehen… SIMSALABIM mit MikroVeda BALANCE HOUSE – das natürliche “Zaubermittel” für den Haushalt! MikroVeda BALANCE HOUSE – vollbiologischer, mikrobiotischer “Zauber” als… Du möchtest deine Mikrobiom-Balance sanft sanieren und nachhaltig aufbauen? Wir geben dir mit unseren neuen MikroVeda BALANCE-Kuren ein Konzept an… Bei Schimmelbefall oder dem Aufkommen moderiger Gerüche ist schnelle Hilfe angebracht. Denn Schimmel stellt eine Bedrohung der Bausubstanz und letztendlich…Achieving MORE together, ecologically and sustainably with natural solution alternatives
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Independent trading partner (various industries)
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