Gut Neuenhof is the ecological headquarters of the MikroVeda Group. Our community Gut Neuenhof consists of the founders Gabriele Freitag-Lau & Kurt Walter Lau as well as numerous other people from OLV Organischer Landbau Verlag and MikroVeda GmbH, friends and like-minded people.
We are a communication hub for garden self-sufficiency, permaculture, organic gardening and farming, and sustainability in the narrower and broader sense. We have been doing ecological networking for over 25 years through our publishing publications, lectures, seminars and workshops. One focus of our academy activities within the Gut Neuenhof Academy is soil and humus care along the lines of the pioneers of organic farming and gardening, but also small-scale farming, garden self-sufficiency, permaculture, nutrition & health, and other alternatives to conventional offerings.
Our program of events with well-known and competent speakers, such as Dr. Anne Katharina Zschocke, Kurt Walter Lau, Harald Wedig and many others, included in the past and always up-to-date, among others, the following topics:
- “MikroVeda-Effective Microorganisms – Fields of Application and Very Practical Instructions for Beginners (Gabriele Freitag-Lau & Kurt Walter Lau)
- “New life from fermented kitchen waste – High-quality Bokashi compost through MicroVeda Effective Microorganisms" (Gabriele Freitag-Lau & Kurt Walter Lau)
- “Soil building and maintenance with MikroVeda Effective Microorganisms, Bokashi and Terra preta nova for garden self-suppliers according to permaculture principles" (Kurt Walter Lau)
- “Intestinal bacteria as the key to health" (Dr. Anne Katharina Zschocke)
- „Milchsauerparty ´How to Kraut´- wir fermentieren Gemüse" (Monika Kratz)
- „Praktisches aus der Permakultur“ (Kurt Walter Lau, Harald Wedig u.a.)
- „Private Saatgut- und Pflanzentauschbörse“ (diverse private Selbstversorgergärtner)
- „Agnihotra – Die vedische Feuertechnik [und MikroVeda-Effektive Mikroorganismen]“ (Bernd Frank, Homa-Hof, Heiligenberg, Kurt Walter Lau u.a.)
Other exemplary topics and events:
- MikroVeda microorganisms in application (if necessary focused application areas according to your wishes)
- Introduction to the know-how of fermenting (pickling vegetables and fruit, making yogurt or bread yourself)
- Permaculture (permaculture design, forest garden, mixed cultures etc.)
- Habitats for sheep, bees, insects, birds etc.
- Guided tour of Gut Neuenhof
- Guided tour of the MikroVeda product variety on request.
- Team events for companies: Make your company event unique. We put together the right workshop for your team – whether introduction to fermentation, first contact with MikroVeda microorganisms to permaculture actions outdoor permaculture seminars and workshops for groups: Offers on request.
- Nature and sustainable living for children: Get to know the habitats of sheep, bees, insects; Create a vegetable patch yourself – Whether school class or children’s birthday party. We will put together a suitable offer according to your ideas.
Are you interested in an event or seminar? Feel free to contact us!
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