We are used to dividing our world into categories. And also we behave in the same way with the knowledge about microorganisms and its preparations for various fields of application. So there should be a preparation for the household, one for the garden and just one for health. It seems absurd that in principle microorganism preparations can be used to water flowers, brush teeth, regulate digestion, nourish plants, reduce calcification and remove oil stains. We always need a single remedy for everything.
A single microorganism mix for everything?
MikroVeda carries these preparations divided into categories because it is both the customer’s concern and ours to match the best ingredients to the particular organism. Thus, all our preparations contain specially adapted microbes that can develop their effect in a targeted manner in the respective area of application (milieu).
Also, when using microorganism preparations, you should not forget about man as a part of nature and thus also internalize the motto:
“We humans can never be healthier than the soil in which our food grows."
Dr. Anne Katharina Zschocke
In addition to the application to our own organism, the environments surrounding us are also important, as they are also part of the holistic approach. So, in addition to food supplementation, do you have the courage to use good bacteria in your home environment and use, for example. targeted bacterial cleaners based on MikroVeda microorganisms.
MikroVeda preparations for health and well-being
Our preparations from the category “People and health" differ in composition and field of application.
Food supplements (e.g. Life, Life Pur, M33+ Microbiotic Oral Spray, Mzyme)
Food (e.g. ferment starter, ferment salt pure or mild with herbs)
Body Care (e.g. Toothpaste, Little Time Out, Blond)
For the dietary supplement sector, MikroVeda carries the MikroVeda Life, MikroVeda Life Pur and the M33+ as digestive aids and support for a balanced microbiome. ProbiotiX San as a combination as well as Mzyme are appreciated by our customers with their particularly high natural antioxidant contents. All preparations differ in composition, filtration and fermentation time. Our dietary supplements are gently fermented – in some cases for several years – and have an outstandingly long shelf life in terms of their microbial population density, activity and stability.
Is a healthy diet enough to create a healthy balance of bacteria in the body?
Foreign substances such as pesticides, herbicides, synthetic chemical dyes and preservatives (all present in our daily diet), upset our bacterial balance, which can have serious health consequences. It hinders, blocks and alters our gut microbiota so that our metabolically active flora can become unbalanced.
Conscious consumption of “good" bacteria can initiate health processes in our organs.
For example, creating an optimal bacterial environment can be the solution to intestinal sluggishness and constipation.
How important is the gastrointestinal tract of our body really?
It has become more firmly established in recent years that the intestine can probably play a decisive role in our health. Research has made many important discoveries in this area in recent years, but the human immune system, the intestine and its microbiome in particular remain a highly complex area of research that still requires decades of further research. On a very positive note, the findings also raise awareness for people to pay attention and care for your microbiome.
Because the bacterial world inside our body and especially in the gastrointestinal tract is not isolated from the outside world, but it reacts and interacts with the outside world and this is of particular importance. This contact of bacteria coming from outside with our inner bacteria and both contact with our body cells represent the physical basis of our being. So you shouldn’t isolate bacteria, or look at them in isolation, or even change them.
The past years have shown that this is possible, but not for the benefit of our health, but presumably for purely scientific and economic reasons. We have long since recognized that we ourselves have created the resistant “hospital germs". Bacteria respond to stimuli together, they are a community and only in this community they work for us. If we intervene in a manipulative way, they sound the alarm and try everything to maintain their so effective community, with the consequence that they build up resistances.
We should have understood today that our whole body is continuously colonized with bacteria, inside and outside, our environment, the objects, the air we breathe, the tap water we drink from the tap if necessary. Most processes in our body only function because these very microorganisms set metabolic processes in motion and thus maintain health. And so we should learn not to use the term bacteria negatively and focus less on getting rid of them completely by holistic antibacterial cleansing, for example. in the excessive use of disinfectants, but better to help us live in harmony with them.
The Mikrobiome – The Mikrobiota
Even the cosmetics industry has already discovered the topic for itself and uses the word “microbiome" as “bacterial flora" and developed numerous products with probiotics. It’s as if we’ve been given a new organ: The “microbiome". Already from birth our microbiome is formed: The entire genetics of the microorganisms living in us. A bacterial envelope surrounds our body and lives in our body, protects us, shapes us. Through nutrition, shaking hands with other people or exchanging affection, our microbiota – the amount of all beneficial microorganisms in our organism – is constantly subject to change for the better (e.g. expansion of microbial diversity) as well as for the worse (e.g. constant one-sided favoring of microbial strains through unhealthy nutrition).
Even the nose contributes to the formation of a balanced microbiome. This is because it contains numerous microorganisms that are involved in maintaining health. Studies show: A strain of Lactobacillus casei shows special adaptations to the living conditions in the human nose and could protect against chronic mucosal inflammation.
It is the same with the mouth. Digestion already begins in the mouth, as the saliva produces the first enzymes that initiate the digestive process.
If we take antibiotics, our microbiome becomes imbalanced and it has great difficulty restoring itself, if it can ever do so again in the same quality. Thus, repeated use of antibiotics can pose a threat to our health. This is because the bacteria try to survive because they need each other and build up resistance in order to be allowed to stay. In addition, a large number of “good" bacteria are always destroyed when antibiotics are taken, which manifests itself, for example, in the fact that digestion can become unbalanced if the antibiotic is used for a longer period of time.
Along with the development of resistance in bacteria, the uncontrolled destruction of our microbiome, it is clear that the use of antibiotics poses long-term risks to the milieu, and the risks can become cumulatively greater with each individual use. It can eventually lead to disturbances in the body with various symptoms of disease. Therefore, antibiotics should only be used on medical advice and, if possible, as an emergency solution. Many of our customers, in consultation with their physician, use our multi-microbe preparations as nutritional supplements during and after antibiotic use to directly populate the out-of-balance microbiome with good strains of bacteria as well as tuned microbial diversity. Feel free to ask your trusted doctor or alternative practitioner about this.
Nutrition as a cause of microbial poverty in the body
Our current diet alone further exacerbates disorders in our bodies. Thus, many important ingredients, which are attributed to vegetables and fruits, for example, can no longer be absorbed by our body, if they are still present in the fruit at all. For example, we need enzymes that make vitamins, minerals and trace elements available to cells in the first place. Our body also needs a constant supply of valuable bacteria. This is a problem in times of ultra-shelf-stable food – since sterile also always means antibacterial and thus inanimate. So nowadays our organism can be threatened by a constant deficiency due to our “modern" food and needs support in many people.
There may be a disorder in the intestine, which is triggered by a reduction of microbial coexistence in the body. The immune system is weakened, we get sick. The body is accustomed through evolution to ingesting microbially alive food.
Common factors that can mess with our microbiome:
- Pesticide residues in the raw materials
- Chemical synthetic colorants and preservatives added by the industry
- Industrial processing of our food (trans fats, additives)
- No or insufficient know-how about fermentation of fruits and vegetables, which leads to unfinished products, which in turn can express itself through unstable microbial colonization in the food product
- Antibiotics
- Poor quality of raw materials due to cultivated monocultures in the fields
- Lack of movement for metabolic activities
Stress as a factor for healthy body and soul - Excessive elimination of bacteria in the environments that surround us.
These factors form the problem of today’s widespread diseases: Stomach and intestinal problems. Whether acute or chronic, almost everyone today knows the discomfort that comes from this problem and that despite all medical research and quite a few superfoods and supplements. Only when we get all these factors back under control can we feel healthier again. This is also the reason that the targeted ingestion of coordinated microorganisms, both in the short and long term, can sanitize the milieu, but especially in the long term cannot be the cure-all if the previously mentioned factors are not also taken into account. The microorganisms would have no chance to work continuously in a positive coexistence for our health in the long run if we chemically sterilize our household. Please keep this in mind when taking microorganisms as a dietary supplement, that there are also environments around you that can affect your health.
Microorganism preparations for humans
Become aware of the importance of bacteria in us and around us and find ways to source good raw materials and prepare your own food, fresh and fermented. Supplement your diet with MikroVeda microorganism preparations from the “Human" section, as they are adapted to the human organism, and lead an active life without stress. This, in a world so artificial today, forms the natural bacterial balance that is so incredibly important to our health. Find the right preparation for you, tailored to your needs. If you have intolerances to herbs, you can find a preparation without herbs with comparable composition and effectiveness of microorganisms at MikroVeda. Those who tolerate herbs well should definitely choose them in the preparation to benefit from the positive effects of fermented herbs. Because these are also adapted in our preparations to the human organism and in particular to the gastrointestinal system.
Longer fermented preparations are appreciated by our customers because here, in addition to other valuable ingredients, papaya has been gently fermented over many months and finally ultra-fine filtered into a highly concentrated elixir. Without sterilization, the effective ingredients are optimally preserved during the long fermentation period and valuable enzymes, antioxidants and secondary plant compounds are produced.
Don’t be afraid of bacteria!
Do not be afraid of taking MikroVeda microorganisms! Our communities are natural bacteria found in the wild that we are already familiar with from our daily diet, such as some lactic acid bacteria that we consume from a natural yogurt. In our microorganism preparations, lactic acid bacteria are combined with yeasts, photosynthetic bacteria and other good microorganisms, which make their important contribution in favor of regenerative processes in the environment, in a composition optimized by us. Following the example of nature, completely natural and optimally combined and fermented by us in decades of experience. It is important for us to maintain this microbial diversity in our products for a long time – our manufacturing processes and formulations of microorganism preparations are also adjusted in favor of a long-term stable colony of microorganisms. Because even when it comes to promoting the microbiome, diversity wins out over diversity. Conventional fermentation processes (e.g. sourdough, yogurt) are often based only on lactic acid bacteria. Introducing other organic cultures into a microorganism preparation in a stable manner over the long term remains a technological challenge for many companies, especially if, as is the case with us, live cultures are used as a matter of principle.
Bacteria for the brain?
We have long understood how important lactic acid bacteria, for example, are for our digestion and a healthy gastrointestinal system. But mental health can also be influenced by bacteria. For example, the mycobacteria (Mycobacterium vaccae) are found in nature and help concentration, calmness and less anxiety. They are one of the reasons why we feel more relaxed when we are out in nature, especially in the forest. We simply inhale these bacteria there and they immediately act in our body.